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4th chakra international ayurvedic retreats

Our mission

Bring Ayurvedic medicine to the world through trainings and hands-on workshops to bring balance, peace and harmony to your life.

Our one-of-a-kind Ayurvedic retreats provide the optimal environment for people to learn more about their unique personalities and gain life-changing tools to cultivate a healthier mind, body and soul.


Who are we?

4th Chakra International Ayurvedic Retreats, LLC is a collaborative effort between Josée Ishwari Marcoux,N.D. and Dr. Jade Martinez, AyD. Their dream is to provide the ultimate getaway for people who seek a deeper understanding of their "Self" and a deeper meaning of health.

In beautiful settings around the world, Ishwari and Dr Martinez teach Ayurveda through fun workshops, lectures and hands-on demonstrations.

It wouldn't be a retreat without relaxation! Treat yourself to unique and personalized Ayurvedic body therapies for your unique energetic makeup.


Consult the other services: Ayuverda – Yoga – Meditation – Yoga Nidra – Massage – FacialsSinus therapy - Svasti retreat


Dr Jade Martinez, AyD

Dr. Martinez is the owner of Green Door Holistics, LLC and practices Ayurvedic medicine in the Dallas / Fort Worth, Texas area. He currently sits on the Student Subcommittee of the National Ayurvedic Medical Association (NAMA). He is also certified in Ayurvedic Massage and Body Therapist (AMBT) and Panchakarma Specialist (PKS).

Josée Ishwari Marcoux, N.D.

Josée Ishwari is the owner of Svasti, Mind Body Soul and Ayurvedic practitioner sees patients all over the world. She is also a Certified Yoga Teacher (RYT 200, IAYT), yoga nidra .Holistic Nutritionist, Ayurvedic Masseuse and Body Therapist (AMBT).

Dates to come!

Stay tuned!